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Take Some Weight Off Your Shoulders, Or Better Yet, Your Tummy…

Take some weight off your shoulders, or better yet, your tummy…

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Must you always carry around weight to the point where it embarrasses you, it shakes in public, it doesn’t let you do what you want and it’s not even your wife?

If your goal is to eliminate your tummy, you should always bear in mind two variables that affect the result in a synergistic way: diet and physical activity.

It’s likely you already have the knowledge to follow a balanced diet, but happen to pick up bad habits, without even knowing it. Do you know how many calories we gain by having a drink?

These are the golden rules to lose weight and get a flat stomach:

  1. Drink about 35 ml of water per kg of body weight, alternating water with green tea, by draining properties and antioxidants.
  2. Don’t neglect breakfast! We suggest carbohydrates and proteins, which, for example, you can find in a smoothie or dried fruit, rich in Omega 3.
  3. Try to eat every 3 hours. In this way you keep your metabolism fast and efficient.
  4. Remove as much as possible the simple sugars derived from carbonated drinks, alcohol or junk food. Replace everything with vegetables and fruits.
  5. Choose complex carbohydrates (whole grain cereals and pasta). In this way you avoid the peaks of blood glucose levels that facilitate the accumulation of fats.

Returning to the combination of diet/movement, it starts to calibrate each meal depending on what you do after. If it is a physical activity, you can give yourself a generous portion of carbohydrates, but if you expect an afternoon in the office, restrict carbohydrates and focus on protein and vegetables.

Forget the elevator and go to the grocery store on a bike. Physical activity is crucial create shape and tone. It is essential to be followed by a personal trainer at this stage, that will help you reach your goal safely, especially if you have never done exercise or have not done it in a long time. Aerobic training promotes health and efficiency of your cardiovascular system and helps you burn calories while exercising with weights allows you to tone and extend the results obtained.

Have we forgotten something? When you’ve rested up, write to let us know how it went!